On 2.22.2022 I was waking up, that sleep not sleep, awake, but not yet awake, where all the magick seems to happen. I had been asking my guides for ways to heal, very specifically, trauma. CPTSD, trauma that has been cultivated over a period of time whether through childhood, or through an emotionally abusive relationship. Well, they started talking.. I rolled out of bed, trying to get my husband to not say anything while I had all these words that I had to write down. I wrote and wrote, it was a class, a plan, it all made sense and this was the answer for my question. These are my notes.
Violet Flame Reiki (Trauma Light—Light in the Shadow)
The Ultimate Grudge Bowl: Violet Flame Jar
Violet Flam Reiki for releasing trauma from the nervous system.
Violet Flame—Love, Mercy, Forgiveness, Transmutation. The 7th ray of Divine Light. Transmutes negative energy into Light. St. Germain & Lady Portia.
Karmic Healing
Releases energy that doesn’t match your Divine Blueprint Frequency
Goes to Trauma in the nervous system that keeps you in survival—Fight or Flight
Goes to Spiritual body to release trauma and support spiritual growth, crown chakra
Goes to the emotional body to repair, clear, and heal identity space
Goes to lower physical chakras to heal sense of belonging, Source connection, and sense of sovereignty
Goes to high chakras to heal sense of personal Truth, how you see the world and energy around you, and your connection to Spirit.
Goes to Antahkarana to heal and transmute any energy that blocks or creates resistance to Higher-Self channeling trough Personality-Self.
Goes to galactic chakras for clearing blocks and resistance to connection to the Divine
Creates ultimate balance and harmony in the field
Working with the genetic entity and the pineal gland (The pineal eye, 3rd eye) where we receive light and the crown, top of the head, also where we receive light, and then the Divine Blueprint: healing and filling with light “trauma cells” to be healed and matched by the rest of the cells.
Set Space with the Violet Flame
Speak directly to St Germain and Lady Portia and the Violet Flame as you do Reiki
Run Violet Flame and Reiki together
I was guided to offer 3 Sessions as a package for Trauma Release. It’s not the only time to come, just for those 3 sessions, but it seems like that breaks a barrier. I have yet to ask about after those 3 sessions.. maintenance sessions?
With Violet Flame Reiki, transmuting trauma in the nervous system, working with the nervous system, vagus nerve (parasympathetic nervous system, brain-gut axis) heart, lungs, digestion
Limbic system, emotions calmed by VN stimulation.
Sympathetic Nervous System: Fight or Flight symptoms
Parasympathetic Nervous System: Controls the body’s Fight or Flight response
Session 1: Identify Trauma. Where is it in the field, Focus on the Vegas Nerve and Lower Chakras
Session 2: Heart, Throat, 3rd Eye, Crown, Galactic Chakras, Antahkarana
Session 3: Genetic Entity, Pineal Gland, Trauma-Cell Healing
Class to teach this protocol
For Reiki Master Teachers, a specialization in CPTSD Trauma
Attune Yourself with the symbols
Attunene others with The symbols
Self-Healing with Violet Flame and symbols: that’s one full day..
Treatment for someone else with the full 3-session protocol
The Symbols
Motor Zanon & Hosana
Strangely (not strangely, right?), I saw several symbols when I was working on someone the previous week. They were symbols I don’t usually use, but I have seen. Flipping through some books, I found them and recognized them as symbols my guides were alerting me to before this light download on 2.22.22.